pack into 擠進
pass away 去世
pass by 經過
pass out 昏過去
pay a visit 拜訪
pay attention 注意
pay off 還清、成功
pick up 拾起;(用車)接
pie in the sky 渺茫的希望、白指望的事
piece of cake 容易之事;輕鬆愉快的事
pile up 堆疊;累積
plan to 計畫
play a joke 說笑話
play a trick 惡作劇
play around 玩耍;嘻鬧
play badminton 打羽毛球
play basketball 打籃球
play bowling 打保齡球
play chess 下棋
play dodge ball 打躲避球
play football 踢足球
play Frisbee 玩飛盤
play sport 運動
play the drum 打鼓
play the flute 吹長笛
play the guitar 彈吉他
play the piano 彈鋼琴
play the trumpet 吹喇叭
play the violin 拉小提琴
play…role 扮演…角色
plenty of 大量的
pocket money (小朋友)零用錢
point of view 觀點、看法
point out 指出
practical joke 惡作劇
practice V-ing 練習
prepare for 為…作準備
prepare to 準備
pretend to 假裝
prevent…from 預防
promise to 承諾
protect…from 保護
pull down 拉下來、拆毀
pull oneself together 振作起來、恢復平靜
pull over 把車開到路邊
pull sb.'s leg 取笑某人
push around 任意使喚
put aside 把…放一邊
put away 收好;儲存
put down 放下、寫下
put off 拖延
put on 演出、穿上
put out 熄滅;伸出
put up (with) 建造;忍受
quiet down 靜下來
quit V-ing 戒除
rain or shine 不論晴雨
raise many eyebrows 使人們大吃一驚
read out 朗讀
refuse to 拒絕
remind…of 提醒
result in 導致;造成
right away 馬上
right now 立刻
rod…of 搶劫
royal road 捷徑
rub sb. the wrong way 惹怒某人
run away 逃家
run into 撞上
run out of 自...跑;用完
run over 輾過
run short 用完;耗盡
rush hour 交通尖峰時段