

蘇州園林 Suzhou gardens


獅子林 Lion Grove Garden


怡園 Joyous Garden


留園 lingering Garden


網師園 Garden of the Master of Nets


耦園(諧音偶,佳偶之意) Garden of Couple's Retreat


西湖 West Lake


蘇堤 Su Causeway


白堤 Bai Causeway


斷橋 Broken Bridge


外西湖 Outer West Lake



九寨溝 jiuzhaigou


湖石假山 Lakeside rocks and rockeries


祭壇 altar


角樓 watchtower


九曲橋 Bridge of Nine Turnings


陵墓 emperor's mausoleum/tomb


樓 tower; mansion


牌樓 pailou, decorated archway


橋 bridges



布達拉宮 Potala Palace


水榭 pavilion on the water


塔 pagoda; tower


台 terrace


壇  altar


梯 staircase


亭閣 pavilion


柱 pillar, column, post


碑刻, 碑文, 碑銘 inscriptions on a tablet


碑林 the forest of steles, tablet forest


碑座 pedestal of the tablet


壁畫 murals; fresco



避暑山莊 mountain resort


避暑勝地 summer resort


冬季旅遊勝地 Winter resort


度假勝地 holiday resort


佛教勝地 Buddhist resort


滑雪勝地 Ski resort


冰山 iceberg


火山 volc​​ano


青山 green hill


場所 site, venue, locale, seat


出土 unearth



道觀 Taoist temple


道教名山 Taoist mountain


堤防 embankment


地下軍團 buried legion


雕塑 Sculptures


雕像 statue


頂點 Summit


定情之物 token of love


洞穴/岩洞 cave; cavern


仿古製品 antique replica


複製品 Replica


高超工藝 superior workmanship


孤柏 Lone cypress


古董 antique, antiquity, curio


古蹟 place of historical interest


古建築群 ancient architectural / building complex


古墓 ancient tomb


古松 Age-old pine trees


古玩店 antique/curio shop


國家公園 national park


海平面 Sea level


迴廊 corridor



甲骨文 inscription on bones and tortoiseshells


江南水鄉 south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River


景象 Spectacle


領略自然景觀的魅力 appreciate the charms of natural landscape


蜜月度假勝地 honeymoon resort


名山 famous mountain / mountain resort


名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers


摩崖石刻 Carved out of a cliff


瀑布 waterfall, fall


小瀑布 cascade



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