Get ready to crawl! Yes, crawling is the new fitness trend for 2017 準備好爬行!沒錯,爬行是2017年的健身趨勢   ◎孫宇青


Time to throw out your spin bike or kettle bells, because crawling is set to be the fitness trend of 2017.



Crawling involves floor work which uses the weight of the body, and therefore requires no equipment to perform. "It’s like the new version of the plank, but more interesting," says fitness expert Ashley Hunt.



The rise of high intensity interval training(HIIT)and workouts that can be done at home have set the scene for crawling to explode into the mainstream, she says.



When you crawl, you are working hard to hold a position. This helps not only with your overall strength but also endurance and core musculature stability - from wrists and shoulders through to hips, ankles and toes.



Besides, crawling can also help with healthy blood pressure levels and be beneficial for your back.



The bear crawl, for instance, involves balance and control of the body. This in turn engages multiple muscles in the fingers, wrists, arms, elbows, shoulders, spine, hips, legs, ankles and toes, and so crawling can be more efficient than other forms of exercise.





set the scene for:動詞片語,為…做好準備。例句:His indiscreet remarks set the scene for another intense quarrel.(他的失言導致另一次激烈爭吵。)

endurance:名詞,忍耐;耐久(力)。例句:The little girl exhibited great power of endurance during rock climbing.(小女孩在攀岩時展現出強大的耐力。)

stability:名詞,穩定(性)。例句:Economic prosperity is largely influenced by political stability.(經濟繁榮深受政治穩定性影響。)



Beer is now officially one of humanity’s greatest achievements 啤酒正式成為人類最偉大成就之一   ◎孫宇青


Next time you raise a glass of Belgian beer, rest assured and enjoy:It’s a cultural experience. UNESCO is adding Belgian beer to the list of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity."



Belgium is known throughout the world for its beer with wide array of tastes, from extreme sour to bitter, produced in just about every city and village across the west European nation of 11 million people.



At a time when many pubs are closing as overall beer consumption declines, such international recognition is more than welcome.



Sven Gatz, who went from being head of the Belgian Brewers Federation to becoming Culture Minister for the northern region of Flanders, compared the recognition to winning the World Cup.



"We love our beer and appreciate the endless diversity within it, something that can’t be equaled anywhere else in the world," Mr Gatz said. "In Belgium, beer doesn’t have to give way to wine or other drinks in terms of quality and diversity."





rest assured:動詞,放心。例句:You can rest assured that we will take good care of your daughter.(你大可放心,我們會照顧好你的女兒。)

intangible:形容詞,無形的。例句:Kabuki is an intangible cultural heritage.(歌舞伎是一項無形文化遺產。)

give way to:動詞片語,屈服;讓步。例句:The husband gave way to his wife in purchasing a new microwave.(丈夫同意讓太太買一台新的微波爐。)


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